Sunday, April 6, 2008

Off with my hair!!

Tonight at 8 pm I had a the normal cancer patient shaving head party. I had tons of friends to come out and support me. Cay Kite buzzed what was left of my hair. It was time, my head was tingling and my hair was coming out fast and I was tired of looking in my drink and seeing hair.

Lots of people are wondering if this was a good thing and yes, it was. As Cay said it was time for it to go. I wear my wig and everyone has said you can't tell the difference. My Wig looks like my old hair before I was diagnosedwith breast cancer.

This is a road I never thought I would take. But I can already tell it is making me a more humble person.

I will put pictures up later after I have time to process it.

Check the TA TA's

PS from Sarah Mac: Catherine is the cutest breast cancer patient you have ever seen! And she was a CHAMP tonight. Britney Spears aint got nothin' on her!


Anonymous said...

"Cat-Cat your amaz-ing!" said Catie Beth Stejskal.

Sis- I truly can't grasp where you get your strength and abilities to stay strong and not let this fight you! Just remember you are beautiful inside and out. I may be miles away, but I'm always with you. Love you, Holley

Torie Chipman said...

Hi, Catherine. I just wanted to let you know that I have been following along on your blog and I think you are a beautiful and strong young lady. I am so proud of your inner strength and wanted you to know that I have been and will continue to pray for your healing every day. Please let us know if there is anything at all that we can do to help! Love always, Torie & Brian

Anonymous said...

Hello Cathrine..this is morgan Holley and Scott's neighbor(i have red hair if you don't remember me)You are such an inspiration to me!you are so strong and when i am going through something hard i just think of you and know it willbe fine because there is a very lovley women out there who is wonderful and strong!...i hope that i can find a way to help you even though i am 14 everyone has a voice and a reason thatthey are here!...i will find a way to help you just wait!You are an inspiration to me and i hope that you always rmember the strength you have!


Sam Dean said...

Hi Catherine hope are doing well. I am Samantha Dean and I was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 22. Catherine I understand completely what u are facing I remember chemo, hair coming out like it was yesterday. I know its a tough battle but continue to be strong and I will continue to keep u in my prayers and remember u not alone I fought and u can too take care, sam dean