Monday, October 20, 2008

Want to help?


I have more t-shirts! The cost is $15 and $5 for packaging and shipping if needed. Please let me know if you like one. The money will be put in the "Cure Catherine" account at Wachovia Bank to be used for medical expenses. Thank you in advance for your support.
If you are interested in purchasing a t-shirt, contact me at Please include your name, address, phone number, number of t-shirts, and sizes.

Hello everyone!
I know I know, this is LONG overdue but as you can image this month I have been EXTREMELY busy! That is not a bad thing I am actually having too much fun. I hope I still have some readers out there and no one has giving up on me!
Where to begin? Well I have been out there busy telling my story to anyone and everyone who is willing to listen. At the beginning of October, I spoke at Auburn University to the Zeta Tau Alpha (Gamma Rho) that would my sis's amazing sorority. I first started out in the audience listening what the speakers had to say and to me it was blah blah blah etc. because all they were talking about was important it is to have your grandmother, mother, and aunts checked. I finally got tired of hearing "you should start self breast exams and age 40" I screamed at the top of my lungs I am 22 years old and I have breast cancer". Of course the speaker didn't hear me but an encouraging basketball player came over to me and said she wanted to hear my story not theirs. I told her I could not do it I was not part of the program she give me this look that only a 6'1 Auburn defense could give and that's all I needed. I ran to the Zeta that was in charge and Holley told her that she was an alumni and that was all that president needed to hear and next thing I knew I was standing in font of over 200 people telling my story. As looked into the crowd and notice that the text messaging had stop, the chit chat ceased, and all eyes and ears were on me. Talk about a moment, I knew that basketball player was my angel telling me to start making a difference.
My next big moment was speaking for Alpha Delta Pi and Komen for the Cure; Night out with Breast Cancer. I was the feature speaker and more nervous then Auburn. These were not only my friends but some of the girls out there were cruel to me when I first transfer in and I busted some of there bubbles. The event was opened to all Mercer Sorority's. I knew most of my girlfriends were there and as I was standing in the back I notice one KA, two KAs, three KAs, four. As tears came to my eyes I notice the whole Fraternity came to hear me speak. I kinda had that Sally Field moment, you know "they liked me, they really liked me!' The night ended great with a standing crowd as I exiting the stage again I felt the basketball player's push. I have spoken at little events around town and hoping to speak more places.

I have started radiation and my skin on my left side of my neck and down to my stomach is very tender. I literally bathe in Aloe Vera at night. I go everyday of the week at 2 hoping to finish this by the week before Thanksgiving. My chest looks like my niece got a hold of me with a pink marker with lines and dashes everywhere. I am wearing lots of Brian's old t-shirt because they are the only thing that does hurt me. Sorry if you see me around town and my fashion has changed. Because the radiation is longer then we thought I will not be getting my Christmas wish this year. I asked Santa for nipples and some liposuction, but Dr. Beegle said the skin will not be healed in time to have that surgery. Looks like nipples and liposuction for Valentine's day!
This past weekend I felt like my old self again. I went to KA Cowboy BALL at one of the brother's farm in Dahlongha. Cowboy ball is KA's fall camping trip. For most of you know Catherine does not camp but I made due. I told Brian, I will not sleep in a tent but that you could make me a bed in the back of the Jeep. And that is what he did. With a feather mattress, an egg crate, 2 sleeping bags, 2 blankets, a body pillow, and finally a thick comforter my bed was the warmest bed out there. We had a fire and everyone danced, drank, ate, and laughed. We told old stories to the freshman girls who thought they were sooo cool to be there. At one point I was by myself looking through the fire at everyone and tears came to my eyes because I thought this past February I would never see this again, only seeing this from up above.
This weekend we are walking and some are running in the Komen race. If you would like to come out let me know would love to have you join me!
Well I guess I talked your ear off all for now!
Check the Ta Ta's